Hello to the future,

Zimi Parallax – Duplicate – [#21667]

Hi, I’m a WordPress parallax developer with more then 3 years of experience working on 2D/3D and sequence parallax sites. To add additional functionality i use elementor pro css and java with WordPress

Why Parallax Effect

Nowadays No one like plain and simple sites , Parallax Effect add Wao factor in your website and its ultimately grow your business or your social media presence effectively. well most people says parallax sites are heavy and slow but wait !!! i am here to develop a parallax website with page speed optimization which means your site load faster. So what you are waiting for ?

MY Abilities

  • Develop parallax site
  • Large verities of parallax effects
  • 2d,3d parallax effect
  • sequence next gen parallax effect
  • I add css/java to add more functionalities
  • Custom forms (contact ,booking, job etc)
  • Parallax content (images, videos, gifs)
  • SEO
  • Page speed optimization
  • Custom website

Bonus point

  • Time to time work update
  • Friendly environment
  • Discount on future projects
  • I will share all the previous projects for the better understanding
  • I have a lot of varieties of parallax efefcts so all the options on the table